Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sayulita, Mexico

Bob and I spent 19 sunny days in the picturesque fishing village of Sayulita, located on the Pacific coast of Nayarit (35km north of Puerto Vallarta) enjoying a taste of the real Mexico. Quaint little shops line the cobblestone streets: everyone is friendly. Exotic and carefree the beach is constant activity of boarders, surfers, vendors. You can buy anything from home   baked empanadas, fresh fruit, fish kabobs, tacos. We divided our time staying at 2 different casitas. We cooked our breakfasts, some dinners, and lunched on the beach eating freshly made tacos washed down with a cervesa. 
Casa Marguerita Luna was high up with sunrise views of the jungle and the ocean to the west. At nite we could view the stars and hear the waves. We had a pool and both an indoor and outdoor kitchen with a pizza bake oven. We shopped at the butcher for the best chicken and
bacon; the fish store for fresh mahi mahi and tuna ( a mere $4) Fruiteria 13 Hermanos for the best veggies and fruit. All 3 locations in the same area. The walk up the cobblestone road was quite grueling: we took a cab the first 2 days but finally started to walk it. Did wonders for my quads. 

Casa Pacifica is located 1.5 km south of the main beach . It is perched high up above the secluded Playa Carrecitos. We stayed in the penthouse, the owners live on the 2nd level. We watched the sun and the full moon set over the ocean and slept to the sound of crashing waves. I felt like royalty. The owners live onsite and are extremely friendly. They provided us with everything we needed including beach toys.The kitchen was equipped with all the necessary stuff including a barbecue. Lots of books to read; even movies to watch. This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever stayed. 
We met lots of Canadians who vacation 
or spend winters in Sayulita or the northern 
coastal towns of San Pancho, Guyabitos. 
Sidewalks roll up early so this is not a party 
town. We took the local bus to Bucerias, 
Puerto Vallarta, and even to shop at the
Mega grocery store.The locals are friendly everywhere you go. I loved staying in Sayulita and would definitely return.