Thursday, April 25, 2013

COSTA RICA - March 2013

Playa del Coco
I rented a small villa from a Canadian owned couple Hope's Paradise. Coco at Sunset Hill is a stacked adobe condo complex 3 blocks from the beach. I had a pool outside my door and there were 4 pools on the roof top that cascaded into each other. It was quiet, clean, well kept. You could hear the ocean waves and see the ocean from the roof pools. Our hosts Vi & Ralph picked me up at the airport. They live onsite, are very friendly & accommodating. After my long flight I settle in for the nite.

I woke at 5:30 am to the sound of birds & howler monkeys. I enjoyed my breakfast on the patio taking in the sights & sounds: then off with my hosts to get some groceries. It is very hot so a sundress is all I need. Vi fills me in on the town, the dos & don't, a bit of history.
I love going to the Marketa in other countries to check out what they have. Fresh pineapple,bananas, roasted chicken, avocados, eggs, spinach: best buy staples of Costa Rica....and of course a couple of Smirnoff Ice.

I make myself a picnic lunch and head to the beach.: it is nestled in a bay with hills thirsty for rain. It's pretty quiet; just the wonderful sound of crashing waves as the tide has comes in.
Later I walk down to the north end of the beach. It is impossible to walk barefoot on the sand: you burn your feet; so I stick to the path with some shade. On the way back I stop to rest in the shade of a big tree next to a beach bar. There are lounge chairs but I am not buying so I lay on my towel. Next thing you know the bar tender is offering me a lounge chair. Okay thanks. 20 minutes later he's back with a banana smoothie. His name is Omar. We chat a bit. Just as I'm nodding off Omar is back with a strawberry smoothie. Tells me he likes me and would I meet him at 6:00 after work.
Funny how these guys are always looking for a sugar mamma.

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