Friday, October 1, 2010

Hawaii 2010 - Day 1

Depart Calgary 12pm. Stopover 1.5 hr. San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu 8pm. Take Roberts shuttle (pre-booked on internet) to Pacific Beach Hotel across the street from Waikiki Beach. My large room is in the front part of the hotel on the 8th floor.

OAHU - Day 1: Wake up to a fabulous view of blue sky, swaying palm trees and the most beautiful turquoise ocean. The surfers are already on the water. The streets are bustling with early risers and it's only 6:30 am. Buffet breakfast is included stay room. Slowly I head down to the dining room which features a 3 story aquarium. There’s a good variety especially fresh fruit.

Hint: Free breakfast is a bonus as you will not find breakfast on the strip for less than $10

I wander the strip to take in the sights, sounds and smell of all the tropical flowers. I take the local bus to Diamond Head, a 15 minute ride: cost $2.50 (ticket is re-useable). Walk 1 km. uphill to entrance. It is 10am, cloudy, warm and humid. Climb starts easy but path narrows, gets rocky and more challenging as I climb higher. There are lots of people on the trail. As I near the top there are tunnels, narrow steps, an enclosed very narrow staircase. There is no breeze and I have to stop and catch my breath. At the summit you have to crawl through an opening to get outside. It is a small area and crowded, but the views are spectacular and the breeze a relief. I take pictures, rest a bit, then head back down. It took 2.5 hours in total. I spend the afternoon at the Kuhio beach, across the street from my hotel. In the evening I walk the strip looking for a place to eat. Being July 4 holiday all places have line ups and are packed. I end up at the Sheraton bistro café & bar overlooking the waves.

Hint: I do not advise taking small children on the Diamond Head hike unless you plan on carrying them in the heat. Wear good walking shoes and a hat. Buy water and use the washrooms at the entrance as you will not get another chance.

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