Friday, October 1, 2010

Maui 2010 - Day11

The Road to Hana
Day 11: I wake to the sound of birds singing. I head out at 8am and drive to Paia. I have breakfast at Anthony’s Coffee Co. and order my picnic lunch (freshly made turkey wrap) for my drive to Hana: a serpentine road that winds around Maui’s northeastern coast. The scenery is breathtaking, a bit scary in parts, but it surely is like dying and going to heaven. Ocean views over steep cliffs, lush rainforests, breathtaking views. I stop at the first fruit stand and buy a bag of fresh cut coconut. Next stop: Twin Falls. Hike in 2 km. but there was hardly a trickle of water. Onward I go stopping to take pictures. It rains and fog sets in but the view is still gorgeous in its’ eerie state. The speed limit averages around 10km. and there are 39 single lane bridges to drive over. The sun comes out. I stop at Hana Farms Market and buy banana nut bread. I have my lunch (half of it it’s so big) at Hana Beach Park. I stop at flower farm and chat with the owner. I continue my journey to the 7 Sacred Pools (Oheo Gulch) at Waiainanapa Sate Park. At 5:00 and I decide to start my drive back so I can stop at Haleakala National Park. It is a black beach. There are caves to explore and crashing waves to photograph. You can even camp in the family run campground. I chat with a local who shares some history of the area.

The sun I setting over the mountains, it’s getting dark and there are few cars on the road back. Everyone must have gone full circle, chancy as the car rental company does not warranty damage if you go that route. Local cars approaching you tend to drive too fast so I’m a bit nervous when a few come flying around blind corners. I was glad to reach Paia. I arrive back at my hotel at 7, tired but still exhilarated from exotic Hana.

Hint: Forgo the convertible that the rental cars push. I saw a few people having to stop and put up the top when it rained.
I did not have time to go to the bamboo forest but I definitely recommend you do.

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